Equine Inspired Coaching
In partnership with my amazing horse, G, we will gently coach you through an experiential journey where the horse is your teacher and guide, taking you to the depths of your heart. Horses are sacred mirrors of reflection for our internal landscape. They are vibrational beings that continually live in the present moment making them capable of detecting subtle shifts in energy. In session with G, you will become more sensitive to your thoughts, emotions, and body sensations as the horse increases your sensory intelligence. Working with an intuitive horse and supportive coach, as co-facilitators of your Horse Inspired Coaching session, will allow you to explore, through a greater sense of awareness, limiting beliefs, patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that might be preventing you from manifesting all that you desire.
Are you ready to embark on a unique journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and growth? Welcome to our Equine Inspired Coaching, Workshops, and Retreats, where the wisdom of the horse becomes your guide. As a unique approach to personal development, embracing horses' innate sensitivity and intuition, my equine-inspired programs offer a dynamic and experiential approach to coaching and self-awareness. You will gain valuable insights, overcome obstacles, and unlock your true nature and potential through direct interaction with these majestic beings.
As masters of non-verbal communication and authenticity, horses will help you communicate, establish trust, and cultivate meaningful connections—skills that you will incorporate seamlessly into your personal and professional life.
How these majestic creatures support and heal humans:
1) Non-verbal communication: Horses, as sentient beings, are highly sensitive, allowing them to detect subtle non-verbal cues. While interacting with horses, individuals recognize, develop, and enhance their nonverbal communication skills. Horses respond to body language, energy, and emotions, providing immediate, honest, and authentic feedback.
2) Metaphorical Learning: Many activities related to equine-inspired coaching are symbolic. Engaging in experiences and exercises with horses that represent challenges, goals, or desires that the client might face in their personal or professional lives will allow for more significant life lessons.
3) Self-Awareness and Reflection: Participants will often gain greater insights into their behavior, communication style, and emotional responses through interaction with horses since this interaction can frequently lead to increased self-awareness. Increased self-awareness can contribute to further personal growth and development.
4) Emotional Regulation: The immediate and authentic feedback from a horse can assist participants in understanding and managing their emotions more effectively, thus helping them develop better emotional regulation skills.
5) Goal Setting and Problem Solving: Participants in equine-inspired coaching sessions often set goals related to their personal or professional development. Working with a horse can help individuals identify obstacles, develop problem-solving skills, and create strategies for achieving their goals.
Escape the busyness of everyday life and immerse yourself in the serenity of nature at one of my equine-inspired coaching sessions, workshops, or weekend retreats. As an experienced facilitator, I partner with my horse, G, to offer a blend of equine interactions, mindfulness practices, and personal reflection, allowing you to rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul.
Julie tailors her programs to meet your unique goals and aspirations, whether seeking individual coaching, team-building workshops, or a soul-nourishing retreat. Step into the arena of possibility and let the wisdom of the horses guide you. Join me and G on this journey. I strive to create a safe and supportive environment for individuals and groups to explore and address various aspects of their lives, crafting their desired life.
My equine-inspired coaching, workshops, and retreats welcome participants of all backgrounds and experience levels—whether you are a seasoned equestrian or have never been near a horse. As all experiential activities occur from the ground, no riding experience is required—just an open heart and a willingness to be GUIDED BY HORSE.
Ready to embark on a transformative adventure with my equine partner? Contact Julie today to learn more about our upcoming programs and begin your journey toward profound personal growth and transformation.
"Those who teach us the most about humanity, aren't always human"
~Donald Hicks